About Us
Our Mission
We exist to connect people to CHRIST, COMMUNITY, & CAUSE.
Because we’re all broken and in need, we make it our ambition to connect people to the One who makes all things new. Christ is the One who can change us both now and forever.
We all are created for relationships. True Christianity is about giving our lives away to others by serving, caring, and loving one another well. Community is family.
Passionate about loving Jesus and others
Devoted to applying God’s Word to life
Desperately dependent upon prayer
Dedicated to becoming more like Jesus
Committed to authentic community
Intentional in multi-generational service
Relentless in reaching the broken and hurting
Extravagant in our generosity
Entrusted to plant churches
Statement of Faith
Our official statement of faith is the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
Click the button to learn more.

Join Us Sunday
First Baptist meets each Sunday for worship at 10:45 a.m. in-person and online at 10110 Eagle Drive in Mont Belvieu, Texas.