Overview   |   Midweek   |    Groups   |   Events


Here at First Baptist, we love students! We believe that Jesus loves them too and that they aren’t the future of the church, they are the church, right now. We are all about helping students have a life-changing relationship with Jesus, to own their own faith, be connected with others and our church, and serve in a cause that is bigger than them.

Life Groups


Each Wednesday at 6:30pm we gather together for MIX, a student-focused worship gathering. Your student will experience fun games, engaging worship in song, hope-filled and relevant Bible teaching, and small group discussion. Here’s a look at our January series, SMOKE!

Vincent Van Gogh famously once said, “One may have a blazing hearth in one’s soul, and yet no one ever came to sit by it. Passers-by see only a wisp of smoke from the chimney and continue on their way.” Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. And where there’s fire in the Bible, there’s God. Come with us as we step into God’s presence, God’s power, God’s provision, and God’s priority. Sit for a moment beside the flame. Stare into the smoke and let your heart be set on fire for Him.

Life Groups


Every Sunday morning at 9:45am students can join us for Life Groups to find community and do life with others going through the same things they are. We believe that life happens best and we grow the most in the context of relationships. Life Groups are an opportunity to study God’s Word and apply it practically to what’s going on in life right now.

Life Groups


Students love to do things and so do we! Good fellowship is a key component to what we do, so we provide opportunities through the school year and summer for students to invite friends, have fun, laugh, and meet Jesus.

Check out yourfirstbaptist.com/events and follow us on social media to keep up-to-date on all that the student ministry has going on.

Life Groups