Welcome to our habits stacking page. Throughout 2024, we’re going to give ourselves to making small but consistent changes in our lives that will become spiritual habits.  And when these spiritual habits stack upon other spiritual habits, transformational change takes place in our lives, our relationships, and our church by God’s grace. Each week in the Sunday morning message, we’ll draw application from our passage that will call us to initiate a new habit.  You’ll see it outlined below. Also, be sure to check in to our social media sites often for encouragement and resources.

Habit 10

In the weeks leading up to Easter, invite at least one person each week to our Easter services.

Habit 9

Spend time daily reflecting upon how shame and pride are showing up in your life and confess it to God.

Habit 8

Take one opportunity with your kids, grandkids, or others each day to communicate the reasons behind your discipline and instruction.

Habit 7

Find several moments in each day to have gospel conversations with your kids, grandkids, or others.

Habit 6

Love your spouse today by showing compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, forbearance, and forgiveness.

Habit 5

Selflessly serve your spouse three times this week in order to promote unity, understanding, grace, and love.

Habit 4

Embrace your God-given role of building up the next generation by praying for or tangibly serving two young families every week.

Habit 3

Share how Jesus has changed your life with one person this week.

Habit 2

Invest in relationships by intentionally encouraging three people every week.

Habit 1

Spend time with Jesus by reading the Bible for 10 minutes every day.